Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Getting Free Tutoring - The Reason Parents Wont Let Me Get Tutoring

Getting Free Tutoring - The Reason Parents Won't Let Me Get TutoringSometimes parents won't let me get tutoring. And sometimes they let me get tutoring and then refuse to pay for it! It really gets to you when you have been hoping to go to college and they don't even want to give you a chance. I know how it feels.After years of working and being a stay at home mom and dad, I finally made it to college. I was hoping that now that I was going to college, I would be able to get more independence and work less for my parents. But instead, I find myself trapped in a financial situation where I am barely scraping by each month.And the only reason I can think of why they let me get tutoring is because it costs so much. What I do not understand is why they would not let me get my own tutoring when I went to college. They never forced me to go back but when I did I couldn't afford it.So what can I do to get some tutoring for free? The first thing I would do is search the internet. There are m any scholarships that are not available to full-time students because they are to be used for moms, dads and children. If you are a student of color, your chances of getting a scholarship are much better than if you are white.The next thing I would do is ask if I could go to school during the summer or after school. Some schools actually offer classes for students that do not go to school during the day. This is great if you work, if you have a kid in school, or if you just want to stay home with your kids and care for them.Another way to get free tutoring is by taking college-level courses at home. And if you are lucky enough to get a scholarship, you could even take the courses in a community college. Most community colleges are very low cost and if you do not have to go to class there, you have another chance to apply for a scholarship. With the economy the way it is, many scholarships do not apply to the community college level.You should never let your parents deny you an oppor tunity to get tutoring for free. I want to give them some credit though. They may not be that nice and they may not always be right but they know what is best for their child. And they may have given you the best shot they had.After I found out how to get tutoring for free, I was able to get my grades up and I was finally able to graduate from college. And since I did get the tutoring that I needed, I think I owe it to them to repay the favor. Now I know what they have been going through.

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